Sunday 15 April 2012

Together Alone

So my husband and I took a little break from the kids to celebrate our anniversary this weekend alone.  “Alone” as in together alone…as in alone without the kids…as in really by ourselves.  Just one day and night to re-connect and celebrate the fact that we’ve made it through another year with flying colours.

I think it’s healthy to take some time away from the kids…9 out of 12 imaginary Dr.’s agree.
We had a wonderful time in Niagara-on-the-Lake exploring the unique shops and wineries.  We didn’t even have to stop once to turn the car around because someone was having a tantrum.  A whole new world!  We could talk to each other without that voice repeatedly calling for us like a relentless poke we’re trying to ignore for a moment.  We were able to take longer than 5 minutes to eat, and we didn’t have to start and stop eating 23 indigestion inducing times to deal with the circus that is the dinner table. 

This is what a gorgeous winery looks like without the kids tugging at your heels…

And what a stroll down a side street looks like without having to dodge around everyone with a massive stoller…

Peace on earth.

We all love our kids but it’s important to take a moment or two away from them to re-connect and remember why you took the plunge and built a family in the first place.
I realize that sometimes it’s just a lot easier to not plan these little getaways because it takes too much effort trying to wrap your head around who is going to babysit and the anxiety of wondering if they will behave for them.  Truth is, a little break from the kids and a little break for the kids from us is a great thing.  They can foster their relationships with other caregivers like close friends and family which gives them a chance to explore something out of the ordinary for a day or two.  Let’s face it, mom and dad’s routines can start to get a little stale after a long while.  Here’s a link from a blog on the subject by Shelly Phillips from a website called Awake Parent Perspectives which shares a similar point of view.

And our Anniversary weekend isn’t over yet…we got home today and still get to do the groceries, laundry, vacuum and clean washrooms before heading back to work tomorrow…we’re livin’ the dream!  But you know what…the rewards of our weekend alone together far outweighed our efforts.
I still have to fit in my blog and share a baby food recipe with you before the weekend is out as well so here’s a little recipe to tide you over until next week.

Green beans are a great first food for baby.  Don’t buy a jar of green bean baby food, take a couple of minutes to steam and puree them.  It’s that simple.


Mr. Green Jeans Bean Puree

Age – 6 months +


·         3 cups large green beans chopped into thirds

·         1 tsp. butter

·         Yes, that’s it

Baby Steps

1.      Add green beans to a steamer set over boiling water, cover and cook for approx. 14 minutes.

2.      Remove pot from heat and transfer beans to a blender, food processor or bowl to use a hand held blender.

3.      Add the butter plus 3 tbsps. of the cooking water to the beans and puree to a smooth consistency.  You can add more of the cooking water if you would like a thinner consistency, or less if the baby is a bit older and can handle it a bit thicker.

4.      Let cool and transfer to freezing trays to use up within 3 months, or to a food storage container in the fridge to use up within 48 hours.

Makes – 8 servings (1 serving = 2 tbsps.)

Note – As baby gets older this is a good puree to add to mashed potatoes to give them an instant flavour and nutrition boost.

Seem silly to have such a simple recipe posted?  Maybe just as silly as buying a jar of green bean puree?

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