Sunday, 16 September 2012


“You can’t start a fire without a spark.” – The Boss/BRUCE/Bruce Springsteen.  Wise words indeed.
I’ve got so many sparks flying around I should have a towering inferno by now.  Maybe it’s flammable material I’m missing?  Or more time?

I’m finding it really difficult to find the time to start piecing my baby food cook book together.  By the time work is done, unnecessarily long drive home due to construction is done, kids are picked up and fed, sporting events attended, kids bathed, bed time storied and tucked in, PVR show taped from 2 weeks ago watched and a spousal exchange of hello, my week days are toast.  By the time the house is cleaned, garden tended to, kids entertained, friends entertained, exercise entertained, blog written and a week’s worth of meals prepped for a new detox/cleanse regime my husband and I are trying out is done, my weekends are toast.  I don’t think that leaves any days?
I know I set out on this journey indicating I would be taking baby steps toward my goal, but I think I’ll update that to baby ant steps.  I suppose even baby ant steps move forward rather than stay still so I may be on track yet.  Look at me go!

Well at least I’m starting to get a good collection of recipes together to include in my book thanks to this blog.  It’s allowing (forcing) me to stay on track with my dream as I whip up baby food puree’s to share with you on a regular basis.  Thanks blog and you who are reading. J
When time is something you don’t have a lot of, you can always slip in a simple 1 fruit puree for baby.  Let’s talk plums.  They are a great first food for the 6 months +, Solid Food Apprentices out there.  They are easy to digest and are said to have laxative properties so if baby needs some help in that department…plums to the rescue!  They are also a good source of potassium and contain vitamin C and riboflavin.

For this puree you’ll want to peel them.  The easiest way to do so is to score an “X” on the bottom then plunge them into boiling water for 30 seconds, then cool immediately in cold water for about 10 seconds.  Remove from cold water and they should be easy to peel.  You can always use a hand held peeler to help if they aren’t cooperating.  The riper the plum is, the easier it will be to peel.


Peek-a-boo Plum Puree

Age – 6 months +


·         5 ripe plums

·         Yes, that’s it

Baby Steps

1.      Peel and slice plums taking care to get all the flesh around the pit.

2.      Place plum slices in saucepan over medium heat, cover and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, just enough to get the juices flowing.

3.      Remove from heat and transfer to a food processor, blender or bowl to use a hand held blender to puree.

4.      Puree to a smooth consistency.

5.      Let cool for a few minutes then transfer to freezing trays in the freezer to be used within 3 months, or to a food storage container in the fridge to be used within 48 hours.

Makes – 10 Servings (1 serving = 2 tbsps.)

Note: Even really ripe plums are somewhat tart so when you offer this puree to baby I would suggest adding a bit of mashed banana to it for some added sweetness to cut the sour and save baby’s face from turning inside out.

I wrote my first blog post 1 year ago this month.  Happy Anniversary to me.  Now let’s get a move on baby ant!!

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